Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Love the snow! Carly and I enjoyed the first snowfall together today.

We built a "mini" snowman...ok, I did it. We used Hershey kisses for eyes, a carrot for the nose and, well, then Carly was too cold, so we skipped the mouth. Besides, Carly just wanted to eat the face. When we got inside, she asked if we could eat the fruit now: you know - carrots, kisses and grapes (intended for the mouth).

Even Libby got in on the action.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


So, despite advice otherwise, we tackled the snow and ice on the roads on Saturday. Needless-to-say, we regretted it. 2 Hours later, we had still not made it to my in-laws house in Lemont (normally an hour drive). We were in wall to wall traffic in Orland Park. So, we took an extended driving break at a mexican restaurant (always a winner with our family!) and then treated Carly to the merry-go-round at the "big mall". I also paid over $6 for a large cappuccino blast at Baskin Robbins - $6!!! What's the deal?!

At the end of the day, it was a good time to ask what Carly likes to randomly ask, "Are you happy?". If nothing else, we were happy to be home!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Carly and I made Christmas cookies today - DEE-lish! We decided to share them with our new neighbor. Carly decided that was OK, but she only wanted to share "a couple".

So Carly memorized her first bible verse: Galatians 2:20 (2nd half). It was rather long for a 3 year old!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I was shopping recently for my nephews at an undisclosed major department show. The goal: track jackets. Now, truthfully, we have typically spent ~$15 for Christmas presents. This year, we may be able to increase that, slightly. But, I found out we may not be able to find track jackets within the budget. Can they seriously be $40-50? The no-name ones at 50% off were the cheapest for $20. I can't believe the stores can rip you off like that! Never mind, I believe it.

Ok - my Carly story from the weekend. We had planned to go to McDonald's for lunch. This is a rare treat for Carly. But, at 10:30 she was rubbing her eyes. I said, "Carly! Are you rubbing your eyes?" She first denied it saying, "But I'm not tired." But then, she tried a new strategy: "I'm rubbing them cuz I want to go to McDonald's"! Sure you are.


Thanks to an unusual Thanksgiving tradition with my family, I cooked a big turkey dinner on Saturday and invited my parents over. The Ferris family tradition requires that we have something OTHER than turkey for (ahem) "Turkey-Day". So, on Thursday, we will enjoy Mandarin beef, stir-fry chicken and veggies and homemade eggrolls.

LAST Thursday, I officially pulled out my Christmas music. No, I cannot convince Chuck to get a fake tree.

This Carly story I'm not sure is on-air appropriate: I was sitting rather close to her when I heard a strange - but familiar - sound. I asked, "Carly, did you toot?" She grinned and replied, "Yeah - I'm tootin' a lot!"

Thursday, November 8, 2007


The bad news: U of M lost (college football, that is). The way better news: so did our nemesis, the Buckeyes! Or, as I like to call them: the Schmuckeyes!

Carly has had a particularly funny weekend: from tipping the waitress (with her personal funds) to imitating Beyonce. Yikes!

We didn't make it to the cousin's party in Lombard, due to the fact that one of the cousins had the Chicken Pox. We decided - unlike some parents - that exposing our girls on purpose to the virus is not a good idea.


And so it begins. Christmas that is. No, Christmas music on-air won't begin until the day after Turkey Day. But Halloween is over. So we must move on to Christmas. Don't get me wrong - I'm happy to. Love Christmas. Can't get enough. Well, maybe I can.

Anyway, I've already been asked for Christmas gift ideas for the girls. Carly is easy. She's into so many things: art (if you count playdoh & coloring), pets, puzzles, and so on. But Bria? What do you get a 2nd child? She doesn't need anything! Poor kid - she's not even a year and already she's being over-shadowed by her big sis.

I filed a complaint today with the Better Business Bureau. My first time to do so. But there is a company called Dealer Services who has called us nearly every day for at least the last 3 months. Help! I'm being harassed!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Not much to report here...we enjoyed the company of our friends on Friday night - including an "old" college buddy of Chuck's that was here for Olivet's homecoming. We had dinner and a fiesty round of Settlers of Catan, one of our favorite board games.

Today, our cat Libby was running wild around the house (as she often does). I commented that she was crazy but Carly assured me, "It's ok to be crazy." :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


First off, I realize I(Dana) am a complete dolt (big surprise). I realized this afternoon that I had my musicals mixed up this morning. True, I was in "Annie" (Freshman year). But, the horse race scene is in "My Fair Lady" (Sophomore year). Oops. Sorry!

As you can see, the girls Carly (Minnie Mouse) and Bria (the Pumpkin) were adorable on Halloween!

Finally, I am rather bothered by these "Christians" that are picketing at military funerals. It makes me so angry that they are expressing the Christian faith with such hate - and making all Christians look bad. For more on this story check out the Tribune.


The Carrigan girls (me included) have been spending a few days with Grandma and Grandpa Ferris while Daddy Carrigan is away. Last night, the girl cousins Sydney and Elana came over to play and make Halloween cookies. Carly was only interested in eating them, however!
Halloween pictures coming tomorrow!


This weekend, watching "The Village" from M. Night Shyamalan was the extent of our Halloween celebration. That's as spooky as we get - usually, our tradition is to watch a Hitchcock movie and drink hot cider. Maybe next weekend.

Carly was fascinated by a commercial for (ahem!) feminine products -they'll make anything look exiting.

Go Pink Ladies! Make me proud!

10.24 Recap

Apple picking was a bust! Way too cold and windy! So we bought some pre-picked apples and headed to Grandma's house.

So, Carly and I were talking about what "Fall" is. I said, "It's when the leaves turn orange," and pointed to one. We were in the van and happened to be passing a soybean field. She says, "Look, Mom - the grass is turning orange, too!"

10.23 Recap

Lunch at El Campesino was fantabulous!

Tonight was bathnight - what could be more fun than that?! And tonight we discovered Bria has a love of soul music!
Today I have lunch with Bethany Knight, lovely wife to our alustrious station manager.

Tomorrow: apple picking! I'll take the girls and meet up with my husband's sister and her crew of 4 girls: Emma, Gwennie, Tegan & Julia.