Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Love the snow! Carly and I enjoyed the first snowfall together today.

We built a "mini" snowman...ok, I did it. We used Hershey kisses for eyes, a carrot for the nose and, well, then Carly was too cold, so we skipped the mouth. Besides, Carly just wanted to eat the face. When we got inside, she asked if we could eat the fruit now: you know - carrots, kisses and grapes (intended for the mouth).

Even Libby got in on the action.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


So, despite advice otherwise, we tackled the snow and ice on the roads on Saturday. Needless-to-say, we regretted it. 2 Hours later, we had still not made it to my in-laws house in Lemont (normally an hour drive). We were in wall to wall traffic in Orland Park. So, we took an extended driving break at a mexican restaurant (always a winner with our family!) and then treated Carly to the merry-go-round at the "big mall". I also paid over $6 for a large cappuccino blast at Baskin Robbins - $6!!! What's the deal?!

At the end of the day, it was a good time to ask what Carly likes to randomly ask, "Are you happy?". If nothing else, we were happy to be home!